The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted countless school activities nationwide, not the least of which are the commencement ceremonies for graduating high school seniors. Some high schools are considering conducting virtual ceremonies online, while others are simply mailing the graduates their diplomas. In other cases, academic officials are weighing the possibility of holding belated commencements after the current crisis has passed. “It’s likely that most members of the Class of 2020 are going to miss one of life’s milestone moments,” said State Rep. Lyndon Yearick. “I thought of the specialty lighting on the capitol’s cupola as a means of symbolically congratulating our graduates.” Legislative Hall’s cupola is a Delaware landmark. Its computer-controlled LED lighting can be programmed to display a wide array of colors and patterns. Over nine weekdays last month, the cupola displayed a different combination of school colors each night, beginning with the blue and white of Dover, Lake Forest, Middletown and Woodbridge high schools on May 18.

White is for First State Military Academy and Sussex Tech.

Maroon marks Milford and Appoquinimink high schools.

Gold is for the blue and gold of Caesar Rodney, Cape Henlopen, Sussex Central and Seaford high schools.

Purple honors Delmarva Christian, St. Thomas More and Sussex Academy.

Green marks the green and gold of Indian River High.

Orange is for the blue and orange of Delmar High School.

Red is for the red and white of Smyrna, Polytech, Laurel and MOT Charter schools.